Meet Chance

Chance's journey began with health challenges, including a lice infestation that required dedicated care. Once he recovered, Chance was introduced to our expansive 5-acre sanctuary, ready to explore his new environment.

However, instead of venturing out, Chance chose to stay close to the hens, displaying his charming and social nature. His interactions with the flock quickly made him a beloved member of our sanctuary family.

Recently, we observed subtle changes in Chance's behavior, such as decreased activity and occasional sneezing. Understanding the importance of early intervention, we took him to the veterinarian for a thorough examination. The diagnosis revealed early-stage heart disease, with fluid accumulating in his air sacs. We immediately began a comprehensive treatment plan to support his health.

Despite these challenges, Chance's resilience and zest for life remain evident. He continues to enjoy sunbathing, socializing with his flock, and even playfully attempting to share our lunches. His spirited personality and determination inspire us daily.

Support Animals Like Chance

Your generosity enables us to provide the specialized care and nurturing environment that animals like Chance need to thrive.

By sponsoring Chance, you're affirming the inherent worth of all beings and supporting our mission to offer sanctuary to those in need. Thank you for being a vital part of Chance's journey and the Ahimsa Safe Haven community.